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About Product

60 capsules 5mg LGD-3303: The king of SARMs for king-sized physiques LGD-3303 is the newest SARM in the BMM portfolio and offers very promising results when it comes to building mass. LGD-3303 can be regarded the big brother to the tested and proven LGD-4033, also know as Ligandrol, which has rapidly become one of the most popular SARMs to date. Being researched as a possible solution to treat osteoporosis, LGD-3303 has both anabolic and androgenic effects and is widely regarded as LGD-4033 Ligandrol “on steroids”. Our most potent SARM to date, experienced users only Massive quality muscle gains Unmatched oral bioavailability

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LGD-3303 is the newest SARM in the BMM portfolio and offers very promising results when it comes to building mass.

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