GS-8, Aruna Palace, Opp. Anand Ashram, Dhantoli, Nagpur - 440012, Maharashtra, India


Neurological Rehabilitation


Neurological rehabilitation is a medical process used for reducing symptoms related to patient's nervous system. We at Vayodha Wellness in this programme provide rehabilitation for post stroke, infections such as polio, meningitis, trauma such as brain and spinal cord injuries and many other diseases.

Ortho Rehabilitation


Vayodha Wellness in Ortho rehabilitation programme provides rehabilitation after surgery that enables patients to recover their ability to become independent for performing activities of daily living. Here we provide rehab for total knee replacement, rehab for total hip replacement.

Cardiac Rehabilitation


Cardiac Rehabilitation is medically organized programme recommended to almost all the patients suffering for heart diseases. In this programme we provide counseling and education programme to improve your health and well being.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation


Vayodha Wellness provide respiratory rehabilitation in pulmonary rehabilitation programme. This programme is beneficial for the patients suffering from COPD(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), Sarcoidosis (Sar-Koy-Doe-sis), Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis. It helps in decreasing symptoms of your disease, manage anxiety and depression, relaxation and makes you understand the medication treatment plan.